Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Finally. After about a week of tweaking and sculpting a theme and direction of this blog that isn't entirely narcissistic, I've got it.

Le Mot du Jour... The Word of the Day!

I was trying to figure out a happy medium between my love of words and language with my ridiculous and silly situations. My goal is to find an encompassing word that relates to my day, my life, or maybe I just might post a word that I like and go from there.

Hopefully this will accomplish two things:

ONE: Make me more aware of things around me. After a few days of trying out this word thing, I no longer just coast through my days, but revel in every minute, good or bad. Plus, this way I will force myself to post something everyday. Dun Dun DUN!

TWO: I will expand my vocabulary, and my love of words even further. And who knows, maybe you out there reading this will be encouraged to find your own words too.

AHA! THE CHALLENGE: So how about it? Try it sometime. Take time to notice everything around you for a day, or a week, whatever you wish, and find your word! And, if you choose to accept this mission, I would love to know what words you choose!

So the challenge is on, for me and you (if you are feeling adventurous)! My first word post will be TONIGHT, so stay tuned!

Love always.

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